
  • Tiaysah Hasibuan North Sumatra State Islamic University , Indonesia
  • Nabila Putri North Sumatra State Islamic University , Indonesia
  • Bunayya Khairunnisa North Sumatra State Islamic University , Indonesia


This research aims to determine the actualization of the historical values ​​of paskibra in service which is a spontaneous activity. They do it because of imitation or curiosity, which at first does not know whether an action is right or wrong, but they prefer to do it. For example, students throw rubbish carelessly (in the form of behavior), but students do not yet know what the consequences of littering are (not yet in the form of knowledge). So the expression of students' behavior is also called charity (action). The process carried out can be seen clearly (objectively). Furthermore, students' expressions such as helping are mental behavior. Saying no to the real situation is said to be physical activity. It is said to help as a process of actualizing the historical values ​​of paskibra in service resulting from after internalization. Initially it was an idea to help, then helping behavior is an expression of that behavior


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