
  • Nazia Hapni Hasibuan North Sumatra State Islamic University
  • Aprina Harahap North Sumatra State Islamic University
  • Fadhilah Yunus North Sumatra State Islamic University


Compliance, Member, Alert


The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. The data collection techniques carried out in this research are as follows: (1) Observation (Observation, documentation and traiangulation. The results of the research show that the process of instilling the value of obedience through PBB (Marching Orders) activities in scouts can be said to be quite effective. Instilling the value of obedience in PBB activities in the form of a sense of unity, a sense of responsibility and obedience in carrying out orders accurately and quickly. And the methods used in PBB training are considered quite effective in helping students have a student attitude. So that students are expected to be able to carry out the regulations that apply in their daily lives. and able to complete their tasks on time. The suggestions put forward to scout leaders and all existing parties are expected to be more creative and innovative in implementing various methods. Schools are expected to increase the number of scout leaders. are expected to increase the number of scout leaders. The school should return the time for carrying out scout activities. Scout participants should be motivated


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How to Cite

Nazia Hapni Hasibuan, Aprina Harahap, & Fadhilah Yunus. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF LINE-UP REGULATIONS IN IMPROVING MEMBERS’ COMPLIANCE SCOUTS ALERT. Journal of Quality Islamic Education Research, 1(1), 114–121. Retrieved from


