Author Guidelines

Write a maximum title of 14 words, typeface using Times New Roman, Font 12, Bold, Center, and use Capitalize Each Word.

Author Identity
Author's full name, not abbreviated, and without title. The author's name is written without title and title. Under the name, write the full name of the author's agency, as well as the author's email address.

An abstract is a brief description of the entire article or scientific paper, the contents of which contain four components, namely: (1) Problem and objectives; (2) The method used; (3) Results and Discussion; and (4) Conclusions and Suggestions. Abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English. Apart from that, the abstract is written in one paragraph without footnotes or bibliographic quotations, single spaced, and contains a maximum of 250 words in Indonesian, accompanied by keywords. Abstract in English adjusts.

The introduction describes the background of the problem being solved, issues related to the problem being solved, contains the State of the Art (a brief review of literature or previous research, 1-2 paragraphs) with the aim of justifying/strengthening the statement of novelty or significance or scientific contribution or originality of this article and make sure there are references to articles from journals from the last 10 years. Do not write the title of the article in writing the purpose of the article. In the introduction there is no need to use sub-headings. The maximum length of the text in the introduction is 2 pages, 1 space, Times New Roman 12.

Research methods
Includes types and approaches to research, place and time, research subjects, procedures for data/information collection techniques, data analysis techniques, and cycles. Number of pages 1-1.5 pages, single spacing, font 12 Times New Roman.

Results and Discussion
Includes presenting the data/information obtained and analyzing the data/information according to the purpose of writing the article. In the description of Results and Discussion, sub-headings can be used in accordance with the issues discussed. Subtitles are written in bold. The description of the Results and Discussion must be supported by references/references. The discussion must be focused. If the article is conducting an experiment, then the results of the experiment should be displayed in graphical or tabular form. Captions for images, graphs or charts (captions) use Times New Roman, Bold, with font size 11 and are written center below the image, while table captions are written center above the table. Each Figure or Table must be given a title identification number or description, for example: "Table 1. Frequency Distribution...". All text in images/tables must be legible, not blurry. Each figure/table must be referred to in the text, the way to refer may not use a location (eg below, above, following, etc.). Refer to the table/figure first in the text, then place the table or figure. In a table, there shouldn't be any horizontal lines in the contents of the table, just the headings and the bottom line. Each Figure or Table must be numbered sequentially without including the chapter number (Table 1, not Table 4.1).
Each written equation must be given an equation number. Writing descriptions of symbols in equations is made in descriptive paragraphs, not item lists like in writing a book. For example: "P represents pressure (atm), m represents mass (g), ….."

Conclusions and recommendations
The conclusion must clearly indicate the results obtained, their strengths and weaknesses. The conclusion is a synthesis of compatibility between problems, objectives and results. The conclusion is sufficient to answer and in accordance with the problems or research objectives. Implications or suggestions may be added (optional). It is better to write it in paragraph form, not in list/numbering item form.

The bibliography is sorted alphabetically. Everything referred to in the article must be written in the bibliography and everything written in the bibliography must be referred to in the article. Primary reference literature, a minimum of 70 percent comes from primary literature/scientific journals (for the field of exact sciences), or 50 percent from primary literature/scientific journals for the field of social sciences and humanities. Books containing theoretical concepts may be used as references, but a maximum of only 20 percent (for exact sciences) or 50 percent (for social sciences and humanities). The number of references in the bibliography is at least 15 references (especially for health sciences, at least 25 references).