
  • Yajid Alwi North Sumatra State Islamic University
  • Muthi'ah Nailah Azra North Sumatra State Islamic University
  • Yufa Ainun Hidayat North Sumatra State Islamic University


Concern, Scout Students


The type of research used in this research is qualitative research. The data collection techniques carried out in this research are as follows: (1) Observation (Observation, documentation and traiangulation. Results of research on students' sense of concern for themselves, including maintaining health (taking adequate rest, eating regularly, taking part in morning exercises together at camp), maintaining personal hygiene (cleaning the body, either bathing or washing feet and hands and dressing cleanly and neatly) and not forgetting to study. Students' caring behavior towards others includes carrying out the tasks given by the supervisor to the students, administering punishment as a risk for making mistakes or breaking the rules, and asking permission from the supervisor when not leaving for scout activities. Students' caring behavior towards nature includes, among other things, not throwing rubbish carelessly during scout activities, planting good greenery which is done at home and at school, as well as environmental service. Students' caring behavior towards God Almighty includes reading prayers both before and after carrying out scouting activities and not forgetting to carry out worship when scouting activities take place in accordance with their respective religions and beliefs. The methods used to instill the value of caring through scout extracurriculars are the value clarification method (giving advice, giving punishment and giving awards/rewards), the exemplary method (exemplary guidance), the active student method (giving assignments and achieving SKU and SKK).


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How to Cite

Yajid Alwi, Muthi’ah Nailah Azra, & Yufa Ainun Hidayat. (2024). THE ROLE OF SCOUTING EXTRACURRICULARIES IN THE FORMATION OF A SENSE OF CARE IN STUDENTS. Journal of Quality Islamic Education Research, 1(1), 1–18. Retrieved from


