International Journal Multidisciplines and The Development of Science 2024-09-28T02:34:41+07:00 Dr. Suwandi, MPd Open Journal Systems THE ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN FORMING SOCIAL VALUES AND NORMS AMONG CHILDREN 2024-07-13T19:34:31+07:00 Hazri Sakinah Hutagalung Siti Khodijah Hasibuan <p>Social media has become an inseparable part of children's lives today. Constant exposure to content and interactions on social media can have a significant influence on the formation of their social values and norms. In writing this article showsthat social media platforms play an important role inform values and social norms among children. Several factors that contribute to this process include exposure to content, peer influence, role models or influencers, normalization of behavior, formation of self-identity, and lack of guidance and supervision from parents or educators. Social media is a complex environment that can influence the formation of children's values and social norms. Controlled efforts by parents, educators and other stakeholders are needed to help children develop critical media literacy and build a healthy and positive media environment. This article aims to highlight the role of social media in realizing social values and norms among children. The phenomenon of children's use of social media is increasing and has become an important concern in efforts to shape their character</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal Multidisciplines and The Development of Science FACTORS INFLUENCING IDEOLOGICAL RADICALIZATION AMONG YOUTH: A QUALITATIVE STUDY 2024-07-13T19:38:11+07:00 Parlaungan Harahap M. Yuda Prayoga <p>This study aims to identify and analyze factors that influence ideological radicalization among teenagers through a qualitative approach. Data was obtained through in-depth interviews and literature analysis to understand the experiences and perspectives of teenagers exposed to radicalization. The research results show that ideological radicalization is influenced by a number of interacting factors, including: Identity crisis and search for meaning, social and environmental influences, the role of social media and propaganda, extremist interpretations of religious teachings and political ideologies, negative life experiences, lack of critical education and media literacy. This research suggests a comprehensive prevention approach, including strengthening critical education, supportive school environments, training for teaching staff, monitoring online content, and promoting dialogue and tolerance.</p> 2024-09-28T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal Multidisciplines and The Development of Science