International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences CV. Arsy Persada Quality en-US International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences 3063-5853 THE ROLE OF TASAWUF IN MEMORIZING THE QUR'AN <p>Sufism is a branch of Islamic knowledge that focuses on spiritual aspects such as ethics, spirituality and self-knowledge. Memorizing the Koran is the obligation of every Muslim. Koran memorization is the ability to memorize and repeat verses of the Koran precisely and accurately. Even though Sufism and memorizing the Koran appear to be closely related, research on their relationship is still very limited. This article aims to fill this knowledge gap by providing a comprehensive overview of Sufism research and Quran memorization. The research in this article uses library research methods, namely a series of activities related to library data collection, reading, and note-taking. Material management (Tazkiyatun Nafs) can help someone become more focused and directed, while at the same time prioritizing noble morals. Memorizing the Qur'an requires Sufism, just as memorizing requires discipline and patience. The steps to purify the soul (tazkiyatun nafs) are as follows. Getting rid of despicable qualities, Filling the soul with praiseworthy qualities. The negative characteristics of memorizing the Al-Quran can be cured with repentance, wala, patience, istikama, asceticism, mujahada, mahabah, while memorizing the Al-Quran can be cured with steps to purify the soul (tazqiyatn nafs). healed. So that the act of memorizing the Qur'an is not dominated by negative qualities, it must be healed through repentance, wala, patience, istikama, asceticism, mujahada, and mahabba.</p> Muhammad Akbar Lubis Nikmah Nasution Nazwa Hilda Mauliza Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences 2024-07-28 2024-07-28 1 2 126 135 THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF IMAL TASAWUF IN STUDENTS <p>This research explores the important role of moral Sufism for students in the context of higher education. The introduction discusses the challenges facing modern students and the need for character development and spiritual resilience. The aim of the research is to evaluate the impact of moral Sufism on emotional balance, positive character formation and spiritual resilience in students. The research method used is literature study, by analyzing relevant literature in the field of moral Sufism and higher education. The findings show that understanding the values of moral Sufism makes a significant contribution in creating students who are more emotionally balanced, have noble character, and have strong spiritual resilience, despite facing challenges in its implementation in the campus environment.</p> M. Irgi Abdillah Alwi Alamsyah Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences 2024-07-28 2024-07-28 1 2 170 178 THE ROLE OF COMMUNITY WELFARE INSTITUTIONS IN DEVELOPING DRUG ADDICTS <p>In this research, the role of community justice in dealing with drug addicts. This research method uses library research. The research results of the Community Welfare Institute are also not free from the threat of drug distribution and abuse. The increasing number of drug dealers and users who are included in community welfare institutions also provides more and more opportunities for drug distribution and abuse by prisoners or inmates with the help of or in collaboration with officers of community welfare institutions in counseling. Interviews/dialogues can be carried out using counseling methods, or behavior modification/therapy, implementing mental psychological guidance activities is a professional task with professional responsibility. Victims of drug abuse who have received guidance will feel psychologically satisfied after they understand what they have received in this life, so that they can enjoy and live this life; Spiritually, we can pray together, reflect together. The behavior of a drug victim can be seen from the victim's own words, manners and actions in daily life attitudes; sociologically, personal counseling, group dynamics, group games, monitoring and recording of the client's social interaction process with friends and his guidance in his own activities, changes in behavior</p> Ahmad Parwis Siregar Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences 2024-07-28 2024-07-28 1 2 179 190