
  • Fitri Annur North Sumatra State Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Yusna Dewi Dalimunte North Sumatra State Islamic University, Indonesia
  • Haikal Ramadan Harahap North Sumatra State Islamic University, Indonesia


Spiritual education is an important factor in a child's overall development involving an understanding of religious values, beliefs and practices. Parents play an important role in building and facilitating children's spiritual education. This document explains the important role of parents in caring for and providing for children. Promoting the spiritual education of children and its impact on child development. This research was conducted based on literature research and analysis of previous studies. Research answers show that parents are role models for their children. They can provide spiritual teachings that teach values, participate in religious activities and raise awareness about people's beliefs and traditions. Apart from that, open and friendly communication between parents and children also plays an important role in education as a Spirit. Discussions about beliefs, values, and spiritual issues help children understand and internalize spiritual principles. The role of parents in children's spiritual education plays an important role in children's growth and development. Children who receive a good spiritual education are positive in values, empathy, and relationships with others. They also have a great tendency to develop positive emotions towards health, are able to overcome problems and have good and good mental health.


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How to Cite

Fitri Annur, Yusna Dewi Dalimunte, & Haikal Ramadan Harahap. (2024). THE ROLE OF PARENTS IN CHILDREN’S SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT. International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences, 1(1), 160–169. Retrieved from


