
  • Sarah Nazwa Nasution State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
  • Alya Syabrina State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Indonesia
  • Dida Arsya Nur Khairi State Islamic University of North Sumatra, Indonesia


Zuhud; Consumptive; Consumerism; lifestyle.


This article discusses the implementation of zuhud values in the face of consumerist attitudes which are increasingly mushrooming in modern society. Consumerism, which promotes material values and a person's identity based on the ownership of goods, has become a significant problem that requires alternative solutions. The research method used is library study, using sources from the Koran, Hadith, and literary works of classical and contemporary scholars. The research results show that Islam offers the concept of asceticism as a solution, which emphasizes the release of dependence on anything other than Allah SWT and reminds that the world is just a place for jokes. Many people compete for wealth and offspring, even though eternal life is in the afterlife. In conclusion, the application of zuhud values can be an effective alternative to reduce the negative influence of consumerism, by instilling spiritual awareness and directing humanity's focus on the eternal goal of the afterlife.


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How to Cite

Sarah Nazwa Nasution, Alya Syabrina, & Dida Arsya Nur Khairi. (2024). IMPLEMENTATION OF ZUHUD TOWARDS CONSUMERIST ATTITUDE. International Journal of Islamic Studies and Social Sciences, 1(1), 59–69. Retrieved from


