
  • Fitri Mawaddah Bako Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah, Medan
  • Rasyidin Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah (STIT) Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah, Medan


Methods, Learning, Learning development in Islamic boarding schools.


Learning in Islamic boarding schools is generally divided into two, namely traditional and modern. The learning process used in Islamic boarding schools still tends to discuss classical methods, such as classical, bandongan, sorogan, discussion, memorization, question and answer, lectures and demonstrations, which actually have identity in yellow book learning in traditional Islamic boarding schools. As for Islamic religious learning, which is a characteristic of modern Islamic boarding schools, it should offer new learning methods that are interesting to observe and elaborate on. This article intends to present it descriptively with three main components, namely theory, form and direction of development. This article finds that the learning methodology in Islamic boarding schools is still largely centered on teachers or Kyai who are the main identity of the Islamic boarding school itself. So, the theory is that the example of a teacher, his skills in teaching and his mastery of the material are the main methods of learning carried out in Islamic boarding schools. This can be identified from learning using the direct method which requires teachers to guide students to feel and be directly involved in the learning process. In fact, this kind of learning method actively raises student enthusiasm, so it is recommended that it be developed towards independent learning based on students' genuine awareness of the importance of studying.


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How to Cite

Fitri Mawaddah Bako, & Rasyidin. (2024). LEARNING METHODOLOGY CONSTRUCTION IN ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOLS: THEORY, IDENTIFICATION AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTIONS. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science Development Research, 1(1), 61–71. Retrieved from https://jurnal.asrypersadaquality.com/index.php/ijeisdr/article/view/357


