
  • Sindy Sintiya North Sumatra State Islamic University
  • Suwandi Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Ar – Raudlatul Hasanah Medan
  • Muhammad Yusuf Siregar Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Ar – Raudlatul Hasanah Medan


School Climate, Quality of Education Services


This research is focused on School Climate in Improving the Quality of Education Services for Students at MTs Al Washliyah. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. Data was collected using a questionnaire instrument developed by the researcher. All research data were analyzed using regression analysis. Determination of respondents using stratified random sampling, namely data collection by taking into account the existing strata of the entire population to be research respondents. . management of facilities and infrastructure can be said to be good, where related parties such as teachers are involved at this stage. In addition, the madrasa head at this stage conducts a needs analysis on the effectiveness and efficiency of facilities and infrastructure. Supervision carried out by the head of MTss Al Washliyah has been carried out well, but there are several teachers who do not know the standard of supervision carried out and there are no strict sanctions against teachers who violate the rules. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of the school climate on improving service quality, showing an effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services In addition, the madrasa head at this stage conducts a needs analysis on the effectiveness and efficiency of facilities and infrastructure. Supervision carried out by the head of MTss Al Washliyah has been carried out well, but there are several teachers who do not know the standard of supervision carried out and there are no strict sanctions against teachers who violate the rules. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of the school climate on improving service quality, showing an effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services In addition, the madrasa head at this stage conducts a needs analysis on the effectiveness and efficiency of facilities and infrastructure. Supervision carried out by the head of MTss Al Washliyah has been carried out well, but there are several teachers who do not know the standard of supervision carried out and there are no strict sanctions against teachers who violate the rules. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of the school climate on improving service quality, showing an effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services Supervision carried out by the head of MTss Al Washliyah has been carried out well, but there are several teachers who do not know the standard of supervision carried out and there are no strict sanctions against teachers who violate the rules. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of the school climate on improving service quality, showing an effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services Supervision carried out by the head of MTss Al Washliyah has been carried out well, but there are several teachers who do not know the standard of supervision carried out and there are no strict sanctions against teachers who violate the rules. The results of this study indicate that there is a positive effect of the school climate on improving service quality, showing an effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services shows the effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services shows the effect of 60.7% and 40.3% influenced by other factors. The findings in this study are educational service satisfaction which has the largest role in parental satisfaction, followed by school climate and improvement of education services


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Rahmawati, Sri W. 2016. "The Role of School Climate Against Bullying." Journal of Psychology 43(2): 154.

Samsu. 2017. Published by: Center for the Study of Religion and Society (PUSAKA) Research Methods: Theory and Application of Qualitative, Quantitative, Mixed Methods, and Research & Development Research.

Setiawan, Awang. 2016. "The Contribution of Principal Transformational Leadership and School Climate to School Effectiveness." UPI Educational Administration Journal 23(1): 130–40.

Shidiq, Umar, and Miftachul Choiri. 2019. 53 Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling Qualitative Research Methods in the Field of Education. Research Methods In The Field Of Education.pdf.

Suhayati, Is. 2013. "School Principal's Academic Supervision, School Culture and Teacher Teaching Performance." UPI Educational Administration Journal 17(1): 86–95.

Syafaruddin, Rosa Hadana Harahap, and Amiruddin MS. 2021. "School Climate Models in Improving the Quality of Educational Services to Students at Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hakimiyah Paringgonan." Al-Fatih: Journal of Education and Islam IV(2): Hal. 343-357.




How to Cite

Sindy Sintiya, Suwandi, & Muhammad Yusuf Siregar. (2024). SCHOOL CLIMATE IN IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF EDUCATIONAL SERVICES FOR STUDENTS AT MTS AL WASHLIYAH. International Journal of Educational Innovation and Science Development Research, 1(1), 11–28. Retrieved from


