
  • Suhendri University Sains Malaysia (USM)


Unemployment, Growth, Economy


The aim of this research is to determine the problem of unemployment in economic growth. This research method uses qualitative research, literature study. Research results The high unemployment rate makes it difficult for a country to develop and the level of welfare is also low. In a digital era like this, human resources should be more creative and active because there are many platforms that provide job vacancies and there are now many types of work, starting from part time, remote, freelance, most of which are on the WFH (Work From Home) system. ) and can be done anytime and anywhere. In fact, quite a few also generate high income.


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How to Cite

Suhendri. (2024). ANALYSIS OF UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEMS IN ECONOMIC GROWTH. Journal of Accounting, 1(1), 21–28. Retrieved from


